We are immensely grateful to the children and business owners in Kathmandu and Dhaka who generously invited us into their working lives and lived realities.They played an active role in designing, collecting and analysing data on Worst Forms of Child Labour, solving safeguarding challenges and making observations trained researchers less familiar with the context would have missed.
Special appreciation goes to the facilitators, documenters, researchers and writers from Voice of Children, Children-Women in Social Service and Human Rights (CWISH), Terre des hommes Bangladesh and Grambangla Unnayan Committee who skilfully built trust and stewarded processes that enabled people to co-create new knowledge on worst forms of child labour.
Thanks also goes to organisations who supported the research including WOFOWON, Biswas Nepal, and Platform for Children. We have greatly benefitted from the inputs of Kathmandu Living Labs and Science Connect who built base maps of the urban neighbourhoods the children wanted to focus on and created the tooling that allowed children to document their daily lives with ease. They also worked patiently with us in the co-creation of data visualisations for spatial and ethnographic analysis. We would also like to extend a heartfelt thanks to Sajid Bin Doza, Professor of Architecture at the State University of Bangladesh, Gopal Shrestha and Manit Raj Newa who spent time in the neighbourhoods, working with children, business owners and researchers to illustrate their observations and experiences. We are also thankful to Sendrine Constant at EPCAT for research design support and We Are Potential for creating this website.

CLARISSA Nepal hosted the Cross-Country Learning Exchange Workshop in 2023
The research was funded with UK aid from the UK government (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, formerly the Department for International Development). The opinions expressed are those of the authors / participants and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of IDS or the UK government.