Aftab, 13 year old boy

About Aftab’s life
Aftab lives in a one-roomed dwelling in Gojmohol, Dhaka with his parents. They are a close-knit family.
Aftab is the only earner in his family. His father is unemployed, and his mother runs the home. Aftab works in a glove factory as a helper.
Aftab feels safe travelling around his neighbourhood but does not feel at all safe working with some of the machinery in his factory.

Aftab’s one-roomed home

If I touch the iron by accident, my hands will burn, it happened to me here once. There are still burn marks on my hand.

Prior to the covid pandemic, Aftab’s father lost his job when the leather tannery he worked in was moved from Gojmohol to the new government-built leather district of Hemayetpur.
Aftab’s father tried doing other work but could not stick to one permanent job. He started to drive a rickshaw but maintaining the financial needs of the family was tough for him. School fees for Aftab of 600 BDT (USD $5.50) were an added burden.
The Covid-19 pandemic increased the financial pressures on the family and Aftab stopped going to school in order to work.
On 9 March 2023 Aftab recorded his day, including his journey and experiences at home, participating in a CLARISSA meeting with other children, a nearby field where he plays football and the streets where he spends time with his friends.
It is an unusual day for Aftab because he takes the latter part of the day off from work to attend the CLARISSA meeting. When the meeting finishes, he gets the opportunity to play with his friends as well as to pray and be with his family at home, which he enjoys.
When my family asked me to help with earning, I agreed to work and contribute to my family.

The exterior of one of the buildings that children such as Aftab live in

Ironing gloves
Aftab in his workplace
Aftab has had four different jobs since he left school, all of them in factories that produce leather goods. As well as working in gloves factories has worked in a belt making factory and a shoe factory.
Aftab is currently working as a helper, so his role and tasks are not fixed. Sometimes he irons the gloves and sometimes he cuts out the gloves using a machine. Both of these tasks are very risky, Aftab worries that a single moment of absent mindedness could cause him to become badly injured and even lose a limb.

Aftab enjoys work because his colleagues are children of a similar age, and they are very talkative. He is excited to play with friends in the afternoon, which is a rare treat for a Thursday, and he expresses his relief that the following day is a Friday – the only day of the week he does not work.
I don’t want to study anymore; I want to continue to work. If I go back to studying now, I will see that my friends have advanced by two years. I must study as their junior. Now I want to run a big machine in a big factory.
Aftabs’s day

The communal bathroom in Aftab’s building
Aftab’s experience
In the morning I feel happy. The weather is nice – a little cold and refreshing -, and I feel good. I will go to work soon, so I get up early and I am getting ready. I take a shower and prepare to go to work after eating.
Researcher’s experience
Aftab likes the weather and is feeling refreshed and ready to start his day.
It is dark in his home as there aren’t many windows or doors to allow light to enter the room and there is little air to ventilate it.

Aftab at work

Aftab’s experience
I am a bit stressed about having to go to work and enduring the pressure there. I have to go to work though because I am the only child of the family and I have to help my parents. After thinking about this I am not feeling too bad, I am feeling slightly better about going to work.
It feels pretty good to work here on the ground floor. When I work on the floor above there is more work pressure. I get a headache most of the time. As I am a helper, there is no fixed job for me to do in any place. Sometimes I am busy ironing clothes, sometimes I am cutting off the extra threads after sewing. The things I do routinely include helping those who do the cutting.
It’s nice to work here. I talk with others and sometimes we listen to music. I like that everyone who works here is sincere and talkative. Moreover, the risk is less here. On the floor above the supervisors and managers always say we are not to talk to each other while we work.
By noon I have a headache. My mother says it happens when I am getting hungry. I feel hungry, but I have to wait until 1pm to have a break.
Researcher’s experience
Aftab likes to work on the ground floor as the workload and pressure is less than in other parts of the factory. For example on the ground floor he does not have to cut leather by himself, he just organises the gloves once they are cut.
Aftab works with four other people and all of them are very engaged in lively chat on various topics. Relationships between them are very friendly. There are no managers or supervisors present so they work without any fear and are relaxed.
Aftab’s experience
I feel good because I am going home now. I will go eat and take some rest. Today I have a meeting at a community space with the CLARISSA researchers, so I am feeling better. I like going to those meetings.
On the way home I feel bad because by now I am feeling really hungry.
Researcher’s experience
Aftab eagerly waits for his lunch in the hour prior to the lunch break. He is hungry. It is a tiring time of the day for him.

A CLARISSA meeting in progress

Aftab’s experience
It feels good to be here. A lot can be learned!
We talk about what a dream home should be like, and I say it should have secure railing on the stairs, good toilets, enough lights, and ventilation and dustbins for garbage. We are planning these things in our group. I am excited about this. I want to bring about change in my society. We are small people and children, so we may not be able to do many things alone, but we will continue our efforts. It may take a long time to change things but we will work slowly. First we will change ourselves and then others.
Researcher’s experience
Aftab enjoys the CLARISSA Action Research group meeting. He likes the chance to meet with his friends and looks forward to each meeting. He wants to contribute to his society and to help create safer places for children. Whilst at the meeting he is energetic, self-expressive, and active.

Recreation area
Aftab’s experience
I am feeling good because now I’m playing with my friends in the Gojmohal playground. This place is on the way to my factory but normally I only have time on Fridays to play or meet with my friends.
I chat and talk with everyone. It felt great to meet friends. We play and have fun. I am feeling great thinking that tomorrow is Friday, and I have no work. I can walk with my friends and pray at the mosque.
Researcher’s experience
Aftab is very happy to see his friends at the playground. He only gets one day off each week, usually a Friday, so it is a big deal for him to play with friends on a Thursday.
Aftab’s experience
I spend time with my family. I eat evening snacks, drink tea and chat with my parents.
Researcher’s experience
Aftab is close to his parents. After coming home from the playground he gets evening snacks for them and they talk about various things in a way that reflects a great bond between them.