Arpita, 16 year old girl

About Arpita’s life
Arpita’s father is an alcoholic and, due to the poor financial situation of her family, Arpita was taken out of school when she was eight years old and taken to work at a hotel. Her elder sister was taken to a different hotel. Both girls worked as dishwashers and cleaners. A neighbour in the village found them these jobs. Arpita never returned to school. At present, Arpita sometimes lives with her elder sister and sometimes with a friend.

Arpita’s father is an alcoholic

Serving one or two customers a day is not enough for me to earn well. It is also boring when there aren’t any guests. On top of that it is very cold here and we don’t have a heater.

Inside the massage and spa venue service rooms
Arpita found her current job, in a massage and spa venue, through a friend.
Through this job, Arpita has made connections with customers, and she has started hanging out with some of them. She also has a circle of friends who work in the sex industry.
Arpita has an infection in her uterus, back pain and pain in her hands.
Arpita is now in contact with her mother who is re-married. She does not have a good relationship with her father.

Medicine for an infection of the uterus

Arpita in her workplace
Arpita does not live in one city or place for long however, she often travels from Kathmandu to Pokhara or to other cities throughout Nepal, following new work opportunities.
Arpita works on commission and also relies on tips from customers.
Arpita tells our research team that if we want a girl under the age of 17, we can contact her, and she will help us find them. The fact that this invitation is made is an indication of how normal it is for Arpita to arrange sex between adults and girls under 18 years of age.

Arpita at work
I just served a customer. He was decent. He also gave me a good tip. I am feeling happy.
Arpita’s day

Massage and spa street
Arpita’s experience
Taking showers during the winter is really challenging when there is only cold water.
Researcher’s experience
Arpita is living with a friend who also works at the massage and spa parlour. She does not have her own place in Kathmandu.

Travelling through Kathmandu at rush hour

Arpita’s experience
It’s difficult walking on the dusty road. Then, the bus is over-crowded so it’s a difficult journey.
Researcher’s experience
On her journey Arpita experiences back pain and pain in her hands.

Inside the massage and spa venue service rooms
Arpita’s experience
I am sitting and chatting with a customer. He is a regular customer. It’s boring when there are no customers. It’s cold and I don’t like sitting idly. I just served a customer. He was decent. He also gave me a tip of NPR 500 (US $4). I am feeling happy.
We have run out of gas. It is cold. I am bored.
Researcher’s experience
Arpita completes a massage and chats to a customer in a familiar and flirtatious manner. Arpita eats lunch in a hotel – today with friends but sometimes with customers.

The local neighbourhood

Arpita’s experience
I travel home with friends on the bus, we chat together and with the driver. We mostly travel via (public) bus.
Researcher’s experience
Arpita takes a bus home, travelling with a friend. They are the only two passengers and the bus is heading back to the garage. It feels unsafe, especially because the girls and the driver are flirting with each other.
Arpita talks about the customer she served today, who she thinks is decent, and who tipped her.
Arpita then walks for 10 minutes from the bus stop. Here, a man is waiting for them, it seems Arpita has arranged for him to meet with her friend (they had been talking by phone during the bus journey).
Arpita’s experience
I am going to buy vegetables with a friend.
Researcher’s experience
Arpita is bargaining whilst buying groceries. She is asking for a reduced price as she is going to Pokhara the next day and is therefore only buying a few vegetables.

Arpita’s experience
I have friends visiting today. We are preparing dinner. We are having fun together and enjoying ourselves.
Researcher’s experience
Arpita loves hanging out with her friends and chatting on social sites.
At times, it feels like Arpita uses code words or a low voice so that the CLARISSA researchers do not understand her meaning.