Bidisha, 17 year old girl

About Bidisha’s life
Bidisha works in a khaja ghar (a small eatery where snacks and local alcohol are served) run by her family. As Bidisha works for her family’s business time is also made for her to attend school. Bidisha lives with her brother and his family in one small room.
Bidisha has a large family, including four brothers, one sister, two sister-in-laws and a niece. Her parents live in her home village. The primary source of the family’s income back in the village is animal husbandry, so the khaja ghar in Kathmandu is important to the family livelihood.
Bidisha came to Kathmandu a year ago to continue her higher education. She attends school in the morning from 6-10am.

Walking home along dark and narrow streets

I have to use cold water for all the cleaning, dishes and cooking throughout the day. I get pain and discomfort in my legs and my hands get swollen from all the work I do.

Bidisha lives in a single room with her brother, sister-in-law and niece
Bidisha works at the khaja ghar from 11am until around 9pm. During the school holidays, she works at the khaja ghar all day.
Bidisha does not receive any pay for her work, instead her brother and his family fund her educational expenses, clothes and other essential items.
“The water is so cold and there are many leftover plates to wash”

Washing glasses

Interior of khaja ghar
Bidisha in her workplace
Bidisha’s responsibilities at the khaja ghar include cooking, washing dishes, shopping for groceries and cleaning the floor and tables.
On the day that the research team accompanied Bidisha throughout her day she ran the khajar ghar by herself. She hardly spent any time in the congested room that is her home.
The khaja ghar is 15 minutes’ walk from Bidisha’s home. The route includes a narrow alley that she finds scary and uncomfortable whilst walking alone.
Bidisha’s work environment is challenging. She has to deal with rude customers who make sexual comments towards her and leer at her. Some customers leave without paying their bill and Bidisha is too intimidated to challenge them. She finds the pervasive cigarette smoke suffocating.
During the winter season, she only has cold water with which to clean and wash the dishes and she gets pain and discomfort in her legs and hands.
Bidisha is happy that during her exams, she is allowed to focus on revising and does not have to go to the khaja ghar. Generally she is able to share her problems with her family and her sister-in-law is particularly supportive towards her. Her brother can also be supportive, but he is not always around as he travels to and from the village frequently.
My brother and his family are paying my school fees and clothes and that’s my compensation for working at the khaja ghar.
Bidisha’s day
Bidisha’s experience
My daily routine starts with waking up at 4:30 am and spending some time on Facebook before doing my homework and getting ready for college. I leave for college at 5:50 am and arrive at 6 am. College lasts from 6 am to 10 am, after which I return to my room to change clothes and have lunch at my brother’s khaja ghar.
Today, I did not have college and, therefore, I did not want to get out of bed but at 7am I had to as my sister-in-law was calling me to come to the khaja ghar.
Researcher’s experience
Bidisha and her family all live in a single, crowded room.
Bidisha hardly gets any time in her home during the day.

Khaja ghar sitting space with curtains

Bidisha’s experience
I start my work at the khaja ghar at around 11 am normally but if its the holidays, like today, I go to work early with my sister-in law. My responsibilities at the khaja ghar include managing the tables, cleaning, filling the water jugs, washing dishes, preparing tea and cooking orders for customers.
Today it is very cold. Due to the low temperatures, my leg started to hurt. The water is too cold to wash the dishes with and I am feeling bad.
Today, there aren’t any customers, not even our regulars who come for morning tea. It is very cold. I go outside for a little while to enjoy the sunlight and use my phone. But this doesn’t last long as my sister-in-law goes to a training course and so I am given the responsibility of taking care of the khaja ghar by myself.
Researcher’s experience
Bidisha takes on all the responsibilities of running the khaja ghar as soon as she arrives there. She seems comfortable doing the dishes, cleaning and mopping the floors. She does not like having to use cold water for all these tasks, but she has no choice.
The khaja ghar consists of two rooms. The main room is used for customer seating and the other room is the kitchen.
With limited options for entertainment, she often turns to Facebook on her phone as a way to pass the time. She doesn’t engage in lengthy conversations with customers, preferring to keep interactions brief. However, she becomes easily irritated when customers use offensive or vulgar language, causing her discomfort.

Busy road in city centre
Bidisha’s experience
I don’t enjoy the journey because there are so many vehicles on the road. Travelling on public transport is very tiresome at times. I have come to submit a request to receive some support for my studies. I have come here with a CLARISSA researcher, who is making me feel at ease.
Researcher’s experience
Bidisha works hard in the khaja ghar. Her only wish is to have a good higher education. But, as she is still finding it difficult to pay her school fees, she visits a local NGO who have promised to support her education. Travelling on public transport is exhausting and difficult for her. On a crowded bus, we saw another passenger pushing her intentionally.

Dirty tables in the khaja ghar

Bidisha’s experience
After spending an hour at the NGO office, I am back at the khaja ghar. There are many customers and it’s difficult to serve them all at once. It feels good however to see the business doing well.

Child walking in the night
Bidisha’s experience
As it gets darker, the flow of customers decreases and it’s time to close. It is very cold.
I usually have dinner at the khaja ghar at around 8:30 pm, then I clean, then I return to my room with my brother and sister-in-law. But today, I leave alone, after everyone else has left. My brother went to the village a few days ago and my niece and sister-in law left earlier.
I close the khaja ghar and go home. Since it is very dark on the road and extremely cold, I am scared. I am scared of the dogs in the street and am worried about encountering some boys who come to smoke marijuana in this place who harass girls like me. I feel very unsafe walking through this lane.
Researcher’s experience
Every day Bidisha travels through a narrow alley to get home. It seems risky as there are no people around, aside from some boys who come to smoke marijuana.

Bidisha’s experience
I have an infected wound on my foot and during the winter, and during the night time it aches more than usual.
It was a tiring day. But my brother has just returned back after many days in the village and I am feeling happy today.