Samita, 14 year old girl

About Samita’s life
Samita and her family moved to Kathmandu after the 2015 earthquake destroyed their house. She has six sisters and one brother. It is Samita’s view that her mother was forced to bear one child one after another until she finally had a boy. Samita’s parents have not spoken to each other for seven years and Sumita does not know why. They live in the same house but in separate flats within it. Samita and her younger sister live with her mother. Her older siblings are married.

Samita and her family moved to Kathmandu after the 2015 earthquake destroyed their house

When I massage the customers, they try to touch me. But because of them me and my family are getting food

Receiving a tip from a customer after a massage
Samita takes care of her mother, who is unwell. She does not get any support from her father. He does not know about Samita’s work at the massage and spa.
Her older sister, who is married, works at the same place as Samita and it was she who got Samita the job.
Samita goes to dance classes first thing in the morning and sometimes she shoots music videos and short movies to earn extra money. She earns some money from dance instruction (NPR 3,000 / US$ 22.50 per month). Her earnings from video shoots vary. She often has to wait for the money.
On the day that Samita documents her activities she goes to take a dance class at a dance training centre in the morning. Then she travels 10 km to the massage and spa venue to work from 9am to 9pm.
Samita does not eat any food at home. She eats lunch at work but hardly eats dinner, relying on snacks, sometimes given to her by customers.
Due to the ongoing dispute between her parents, Samita likes being away from her home, but being out and about doesn’t feel safe either. She witnesses fights and sees police vans as she travels to work. Her online world is also difficult to navigate, and she feels dispirited when her TikTok posts are not well liked.

Samita uses her Tiktok profile to attract customers

Samita in her workplace
At the massage and spa venue Samita does all the cleaning, gets things ready for massages and massages customers. She is not paid a salary but receives commission according to how many customers she massages. If a customer pays NPR 1,000 (US $7.50) for a service, Samita gets NPR 500 (US $3.70) which is 50% of the cost. Samita also earns tips ranging from NPR 100 (US $0.75) to NPR 1,000 (US $7.50).
Samita is the youngest member of the massage and spa team and struggles with older colleagues who smoke and pressure her to undertake “unethical tasks”.
Samita is five months into this job. Some customers try to touch her, and her co-workers try to lure her into accepting these approaches. She has in the past hit some of the customers, but when she thinks about needing to earn money for her family, she resigns herself to putting up with the customers’ behaviour. All of Samita’s earnings go towards supporting her family.
Samita uses TikTok LIVE to try and entice customers to come for a massage.
To be honest, I want to quit my job because some colleagues try to lure me into do the wrong thing. They try and force me to do unethical things.
Samita’s day
Samita’s experience
I do not like cooking and washing dishes. I hardly eat any food at home, due to the behaviour of my parents.
I am feeling happy as I do my chores today as my mother is helping me. She is often unwell, but today she is OK. I like to see her healthy.
Researcher’s experience
Samita has a good relationship with her sister. When they discuss their parents’ relationship Samita is visibly sad. Her parents live separately.
Samita leaves home without eating.

Samita’s experience
I feel happy as I dance and sing. It is like my morning exercise.

Scene from commute
Samita’s experience
Everything is so expensive. It is difficult for us if I don’t earn money. I am feeling bad buying the vegetables, they are too expensive, but we have no other options.

Inside a crowded bus

Samita’s experience
I wait for a bus. I am already very late to work. I am a bit scared as I just saw a fight. Two men were hit by a group of other men. A police van just came and took them away.
The bus is crowded. The driver is driving slowly. It takes around 45 minutes to reach the massage and spa.

Inside the massage and spa venue
Samita’s experience
I am feeling uncomfortable as one of my senior colleagues is smoking. I hate smoking. I told her many times not to smoke but she doesn’t care. I feel suffocated. I don’t feel good when people smoke and drink here .
A customer likes my massage and he gives me NPR 200 (US $1.50) as a tip.
I don’t have the liberty to say no to massaging some guests even if I don’t feel comfortable with it.
I post a video on TikTok but there are not many likes or comments. I don’t like not seeing many comments. Some people also make bad comments.

Samita’s experience
Today I order chowmein and egg

Shelves in massage and spa
Samita’s experience
I do ‘TikTok LIVE’ to chat with people. Some of them come for a massage and spa service after I have talked to them on TikTok. I love to see likes and good comments. I cannot imagine life without the internet.
Researcher’s experience
The owner of the massage and spa, a woman, is a bit upset that Samita is late. The older staff use bad language when talking to the younger staff. They are also not kind. Samita and the owner clean and work while the other staff sit around smoking and not offering to help. Samita changes from jeans into shorts.
Late in the evening Samita is still working, since today is a Friday there are quite a few customers.
Samita’s experience
I go home on a Pathao (motorbike from a ride sharing app). I know the driver of this bike as I have travelled with him before. He is a good guy and drops me to my home. He drives well. I give him NPRs. 150 (US $1).
Researcher’s experience
Samita takes a pathao (motorbike ride sharing) home. She knows the driver and they laugh together.
She receives a call from a boy and is flirting with him.
Samita says she will spend Sunday making TikTok videos at a popular tourist spot.