Stories about Businesses

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Between 2022 and 2023 CLARISSA researchers spent over 30 days accompanying and observing the day-to-day realities of owners and workers in ten informal enterprises that rely on child labour.

Spending time with business owners in their places of work, and developing trusting relationships with them, has enabled a rich understanding to emerge of the pressures, business models and working practices that create and sustain a need for worst forms of child labour.

Read about how children have become critical actors in the leather supply chain system in Bangladesh and the adult entertainment sector in Nepal.

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Business Owners’ Perspectives on Running Khaja Ghars, Massage Parlours, Dance Bars, Hostess Bars, and Dohoris in Kathmandu, Nepal

Findings from semi-structured interviews conducted with business owners operating small, informal adult entertainment sector (AES) businesses in Kathmandu.
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The Drivers and Dynamics of the Worst Forms of Child Labour in Kathmandu’s Adult Entertainment Sector: A Synthesis of Five Years of Research by Children, Business Owners, NGOs, and Academics

Synthesis findings from CLARISSA participatory research on Kathmandu’s adult entertainment sector, with a focus on understanding the factors that drive the WFCL in the sector.
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Coming soon: “Worst forms of child labour in Bangladesh’s leather sector: a synthesis of findings from research with children, survivors and business owners in Bangladesh”

Synthesis findings from CLARISSA participatory research on Dhaka’s informal and domestic leather sector, with a focus on understanding the factors that drive the WFCL in the sector.

Informal Economy Perspectives on the Prevalence of Worst Forms of Child Labour in Bangladesh’s Leather Industry

Findings from semi-structured interviews conducted with business owners operating small, informal leather sector businesses in and near Dhaka, Bangladesh
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