Stories about children’s days

Mona, 17 year old girl

children’s real names are protected
Mona, 17, works in a dance bar from the early afternoon into the night. She has worked there since she was 12. She drinks heavily and is intimate with some of the dance bar customers. Mona dreams of going abroad and starting a new life, but for now all her earnings are spent on her family’s daily expenses, her sister’s education, family debt and her mother’s cancer treatments.

About Mona’s life

Mona lives in Kathmandu with her mother and younger sister. Mona’s father has passed away and her mother is battling breast cancer. Mona has been working in a dance bar since she was 12, when she left school to provide for her family. Mona was introduced to the dance bar by a neighbour.

Mona accepts that her job is not conventional, but it provides her with a means to earn a living and to support her loved ones. The money she earns working at the dance bar is spent on her sister’s education, her mother’s cancer treatment and to pay back loans which the family took out to pay for her father’s medical treatments.

Dancing at the dance bar

Dancing at the dance bar

To earn more money, I sometimes drink heavily. I feel like the customers can be mean and treat me poorly, so being drunk helps me cope with their behaviour.

Dreaming of a new life abroad

Dreaming of a new life abroad

Mona is determined to save enough money to go abroad and work, she dreams of a better future for herself and her family.

She has been planning her move abroad with some of her friends and relatives. However, she has not saved any money towards her overseas travel yet, as most of her earnings go towards supporting her family and covering their daily expenses.

Mona in her workplace

Mona earns NPR 15,000 rupees (US $114) a month as her salary from the dance bar. She also earns commission in the form of a percentage of the sales of drinks and food that she encourages customers to buy. She also gets tips directly from customers, but the frequency of this varies.

Mona starts her working day around 1 pm, as she works until late into the night (until around 3am in the morning). Mostly Mona commutes to the dance bar by walking. This is to save money.
At work, customers call Mona “Budi” (mistress) or “baby”.

Dance bar environment
I know my job is different, but I’m doing it to take care of my family and give us a better life …Even though things are tough, I won’t give up. I have big dreams.

Mona’s day

At home

Mona’s experience

My typical day starts with waking up around 1pm and eating food with my mother and sister.

Last night I drank a lot of alcohol and I have a hangover. I have a headache.

Outside the dance bar
Walking to work

Mona’s experience

I walk from home to the dance bar. It takes about 30 minutes. I also walk to and from an NGO that I am involved with.

I prefer to walk as it saves money. However, when I receive good tips from customers, I sometimes share a taxi home with my friend, and we split the cost.

High heels dancing

High heels dancing

At the dance bar

Mona’s experience

I reach my workplace. I have walked a lot today and I am feeling tired. Now I am ready to put on my makeup.

I am having fun today. There is one customer who is a pervert. But I don’t mind. I am romantic with him, and we have a relationship.

I am waiting for the customers to come. I have just finished my group dance and now I am playing with my mobile phone.

I don’t like to have regular meals at work as it makes it difficult to perform. When I am with customers, I share snacks and drinks with them, so I hardly have a proper dinner. I was just with one of them, who offered me a glass of beer and some chicken. I sat with him for about half an hour having a beer.

When I am intoxicated, I become more emotional, and I feel the words and actions of customers more seriously. Some customers ask me why I am involved in this sector, which deeply affects me. I don’t particularly enjoy this job, but I don’t have any other skills or opportunities at the moment.

Researcher’s experience

Mona wears provocative clothes and engages with customers during performances. She performs to fast-paced music, dancing in the customer’s laps. In return, customers show their appreciation by placing money inside her clothing.

Mona also spends time with customers drinking alcohol and smoking. Interacting with the customers also often means fulfilling their sexual desires. When describing a romantic relationship with one of the client’s Mona confirmed that their relationship was intimate.

In cases where guests try to be forceful with Mona, against her will, the manager intervenes and throws them out.

Mona drinks excessively, which leads to moments of vomiting. She remembers very little towards the end of the evening and the more drunk she becomes. Mona finds herself crying after drinking and the customers console her. She does not allow customers to touch her without her consent and if they try, she immediately walks away.

Mona’s straightforward nature and quick temper has led to conflicts with customers and co-workers. She has been involved in arguments with customers who refuse to offer drinks or money, as well as confrontations with other girls (over customer’s attentions)

Mona’s long work hours prevent her from spending much time at home or with her family.
Mona alludes to taking medication for recreational reasons but does not give any detail on this.

Unwanted touch

Unwanted touch

Travelling home

Mona’s experience

In the evening, around 2am, I go home on a scooter with my colleague, whom we fondly call “dai” (younger brother)

Explore Mona’s journey